An official curbside compost service provider for Skokie residents and businesses.

Plans starting at just $13/month!

Curbside Compost Service Options Available In SKOKIE

  • Receptacle: One (1) 5-Gallon Bucket

    Service Frequency: Once (1x) every other week

    Price Per Month: $13

    Recommended For: Households
    of 1-3 people

  • Receptacle: One (1) 5-Gallon Bucket

    Service Frequency: Once (1x) every week

    Price Per Month: $20

    Recommended For: Households of 3+ people or daily home chefs

  • Receptacle: One (1) 32-Gallon Cart

    Service Frequency: Once (1x) every week

    Price Per Month: $84

    Request A Cart Here

WasteNot Compost is Skokie’s year-round compost collection service for homes and businesses.

Biweekly collection starts at $13/month

Weekly collection starts at $20/month.

You can sign up or cancel at any time!

Year-Round Compost Service in Skokie

  • Sign Up For Service

    Sign up for compost service in Skokie to get started.

    You can sign up for service in Skokie at any time!

  • First Service

    On the first service, members will receive their 5-gallon buckets to start composting. After your first service, WasteNot will pick up your bucket on your scheduled service date and drop a completely clean and sanitized receptacle for you to use until your next service.

  • 5-Gallon bucket

    Fill up your 5-gallon WasteNot bucket with food scraps and other compostable waste. Check here to see what you can compost in our buckets.

    Weekly and bi-weekly service options available.

What can i compost with wastenot?

Here’s everything you need to know about what can be composted in SKOKIE.

Read the terms and conditions for Skokie here.

  • If it has ever been alive, you can compost it! All food scraps (even meat and bones!) as well as your yard waste can be safely composted in your WasteNot receptacle of choice.

  • Pizza boxes, paper towels, and any 100% paper products are compostable with WasteNot.

  • Look for “certified compostable” when looking to see if your plastic products can be composted. Avoid composting products that advertise as “biodegradable” or “plant-based” without explicit mention of compostable certification.

  • Click here to view the full list of what you can compost with WasteNot.

Compost Collection For Your Business Or Organization

WasteNot offers compost collection services for any business, organization, restaurant, or school in Skokie. Please fill out our commercial inquiry form linked here and our commercial team will be in touch!


  • WasteNot is a commitment free service that runs year round. To request cancellation, please visit the members page, click “Cancel Service”, and follow the respective prompts. Our support team will reply with a confirmation within 4 business days.

  • On your first service, you will receive a 5-gallon buckets to start composting. After your first service, WasteNot will pick up your bucket on your scheduled service date and drop a completely clean and sanitized receptacle for you to use until your next service. Learn more about WasteNot’s home service here.

  • Generally speaking, “if it grows, it goes!” Anything once living can be composted. At WasteNot, we are able to accept a wide variety of items due to being on the industrial level. To view what’s compostable with WasteNot, check out our guide here.

  • Yes, WasteNot will reschedule for major holidays, and the members’ service that falls on one of these days will be rescheduled. In the event of a holiday rescheduling, the members affected will be notified a minimum of three times.


Palos Park