How Is WasteNot Different Than Composting At Home?

Composting is great for our planet and for creating a sustainable lifestyle. Here at WasteNot, we aim to make composting easy and convenient for everyone.

The main question surrounding composting is no longer whether or not to compost, but what is the best way to do it.


Why Compost?

  • Reduce organic waste in landfills: 40% of food in the United States currently goes to waste in landfills, around 133 billion pounds each year. 24% of landfill space is taken up by food waste that could be diverted.

  • Minimize greenhouse gas emissions from landfills: Food and organic matter in landfills releases methane, a harmful greenhouse gas that is 20x worse for our air than CO2, when it decomposes. 17% of the United State’s total greenhouse gas emissions come from food waste rotting in landfills.

  • Minimize garbage smells: As organic matter in your trash decomposes, it releases odors that are usually the source of a smelly garbage can. Composting your food waste in a WasteNot bucket creates a cleaner trash bag.

  • Decrease rodent traffic: Less smelly waste minimizes the attraction of rodents to the garbage.

  • Improve soil health: Compost is highly nutritional and can improve the health of crops and plants when added to the soil.

What are my composting options?

There are two main options for composting your organic waste: at home or commercial composting. With both options, the composting process breaks down the organic matter and compostable products, creating a mixture filled with nutrients that can be used as a fertilizer, rather than using chemical fertilizers.

Composting With a Commercial Service Like WasteNot

Composting At Home

Looking to start composting? Click here to learn more about WasteNot’s residential services and sign up!


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