Palos Park Selects WasteNot Compost As Curbside Compost Collection Hauler

Palos Park, Illinois – At the August 12, 2024 Village Board meeting, Palos Park Trustees approved a three-year contract to WasteNot, Inc. as the Village’s curbside compost collection hauler for homes, businesses, and schools. The decision was driven by convenient, sustainable service offerings, cost considerations, WasteNot’s commitment to using 100% electric vehicles, and the Village’s commitment to providing exceptional customer service. WasteNot Compost will provide high-quality collection services with their fully electric fleet of vehicles and exemplary customer service to Palos Park residents.

 The year-round service makes composting more accessible and convenient for Palos Park residents. Participating residents receive an airtight 5-gallon compost receptacle where participants can place a wide variety of compostables including all food waste, 100% paper products, certified compostable products, and more. Depending on needs, a weekly or bi-weekly service is offered. Additionally, WasteNot will use a “receptacle swap” strategy, which includes replacing used receptacles with a clean, sanitized container each service. 

“I’m proud to introduce Wastenot Compost’s curbside composting to Palos Park residents,” said Palos Park Mayor Nicole Milovich-Walters.  “This optional, low-cost service provides us with a simple way to help us reduce waste and lower our carbon footprint.  By diverting organic waste from landfills, we’re making a significant impact towards a cleaner, greener environment for all.”

Service will begin the week of October 7th. Residents can pre-register for WasteNot’s curbside compost collection service through Thursday, December 3rd to receive their receptacles on the first service day and registration will remain open on WasteNot’s website, with no long-term commitments or cancellation fees. WasteNot will email residents that sign up with information on when they will receive their bucket.

The service will also be offered to commercial businesses, schools, nonprofits, events and multi-family buildings in Palos Park. Learn more about the service and register at


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