3 Tips For Using Your Countertop Compost Caddy

Did you know that you can purchase a countertop compost caddy through the WasteNot Shop? Using a caddy is a great way to make composting with WasteNot even more convenient!

We wanted to share with you some tips & tricks from the experts on our sanitation team on caddy cleanliness.

These Are WasteNot’s Tips For Ensuring A Clean Caddy:

1. Emptying Your Caddy Frequently

Don't wait until the caddy is full– empty into your WasteNot bucket daily or every other day depending on the waste inside. Moving compostable materials frequently ensures a clean caddy.

2. Lining Your Caddy + Replace Filter Monthly

WasteNot offers exclusive deals on compostable caddy liners. We recommend you use 2-3 compostable liners a week and transfer the full liner and all its contents into your bucket. Bonus tip: You can keep your caddy extra fresh and smell-free by swapping out filters every month. These compostable filters are also available on the WasteNot Shop. 

3. Dishwashing Your Caddy

We recommend that you wash your caddy at least once a week. If you are lining your caddy and emptying it frequently, a run through the dishwasher should more than suffice. As long as you are running a full load, dishwashing will use less water in general than hand-washing. Either way, as long as you are washing it consistently you will maintain a clean caddy.


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